
Silent Hive 04



SILENT HIVE - curating music from the genres of Ambient, 4th World Music and experimental atmospheric sounds in general. This video is a part of a playlist dedicated to ESCAPISM.

The music is meant to evoke nostalgia, exotica or a sense of wonder, mystery and adventure.

It can accompany you, while you're working or doing otherwise dull chores. Or you can experiment with it on your own. Maybe it will help you to fall asleep, or be a soundtrack to your thoughts, while you work on a manuscript, or paint, or ... Maybe you just want to shut out the world outside for a moment.

PS: This is an AI-free zone.

Carbon Based Lifeforms: "Betula Pendula" (Album: "World Of Sleepers", 2006)
Erik Wøllo: "The Native Chant" (Album: "Visions", 2015)
Jon Hassell: "Blues Nile" (Album: "Vernal Equinox", 1978)
O Yuki Conjugate: "Cloud Cover" (Album: "Undercurrents/In Dark Water", 1992)
Robert Rich: "Luminous Horizon" (Album: "Propagation", 1994)
The Chi Factory featuring Koos Derwort & Hanyo van Oosterom: "Part One (an excerpt)" (Album: "The Bamboo Recordings", 2016)
Steve Roach: "Sentient Breath" (Album: "Sigh Of Ages", 2010)

"St. Thomas, Virgin Islands" photographed by Frank C. Darker, 1940
"New Caledonia" photographed by Jack Fields in 1971
"Medûm - The Pyramid El Kaddâb" photographed by Eugen Kusch, 1955
"Tuamotu Archipelago", photographed by Amos Burg, 1932
"Tahiti", photographed by Luis Marden, 1971
"The Sulu Sea", photographed by K. Koyama, 1933
"The Andamans", photographed by Ian Lloyd, 1997

Die Wildnis der Spiegel - 00 - ein JFK-Podcast - der Prolog


Diese Episode ist der Auftakt einer Reihe, die ich einige Jahre in der Schublade behielt, gewahr dessen, dass ich nicht hinreichend Material studiert hatte, um mich dazu zu äußern. Doch nun fühle ich den Zwang der Gegenwart und die rastlosen Mühlen der Geschichte - und so ist möglicherweise an der Zeit. Ohnehin ist dieses Thema im deutschen Sprachraum etwas unterrepräsentiert, was vermutlich damit zusammenhängt, dass 99 % der entsprechenden Literatur nur auf Englisch vorliegt. Ich versuche hier also auch eine Schneise zu schlagen. Ob du dies jedoch interessant findest, kann ich nicht beurteilen.


Silent Hive 03


SILENT HIVE - curating music from the genres of Ambient, 4th World Music and experimental atmospheric sounds in general. This video is a part of a playlist dedicated to ESCAPISM.

The music is meant to evoke nostalgia, exotica or a sense of wonder, mystery and adventure.

It can accompany you, while you're working or doing otherwise dull chores. Or you can experiment with it on your own. Maybe it will help you to fall asleep, or be a soundtrack to your thoughts, while you work on a manuscript, or paint, or ... Maybe you just want to shut out the world outside for a moment.

PS: This is an AI-free zone.

Eluder: "Moon Plea" (Album: "Drift", 2009)
Arcticology: "Structure One" (Album: "Deep Spring", 2008)
Jack Hertz: "The Calving" (Album: "Antarctica", 2016)
Silvercord: "Listening to Silence Speak" (Album: "I Smiled Because I Knew Death Is But A Door", 2012)
Vasilisk: "Thorn" (Album: "Liberation and Ecstasy", 1990)
Shinjuku Thief: "Open Wound" (Album: "Bloody Tourist", 1992)
Tangerine Dream: "Fauni Gena (an excerpt)" (Album: "Atem", 1973)
Richard Barbieri: "New Found Land" (Album: "Planets + Persona",2017)
Temps Perdu?: "Missing Link" (Album: "Athanor", 1992)

"Ny-Ålesund, Norway" photographed by Martin Rogers in August 1978
"Ski plane, Mount Dickey, Alaska" photographed by Danny Lehman August 1992
"Gremlins Cap, Chile". Photographer unknown. April 1994 in National Geographic
"Gibbs Fiord, Nunavut, Canada", photographed by John Dunn. October 1997
"Sub Solomon Cave, Tennessee", photographed by Stephen Alvarez in June 2009
"Mount Pinatubo, Phillipines", photographed by Alberto Garcia in December 1992
"Bathing Women, Bali, Indonesia", photographed by Trea Wiltshire, 1973
"100 foot Owl, Paracas people, Peru" - Photographer unknown. National Geographic, issue April 2010.
"Orongo's Cliffs, Easter Island" photographed by Bob Sacha. March 1993

Verabredet in Samarra


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